
less is more

hi loves!

I am so happy right now karena so far aku bisa update blog at least once a week! Semoga aku makin bisa atur waktu jadi bisa update 2-3 post setiap minggunya. Kali ini aku mau sharing another simple outfit. Kalau dulu aku kadang suka pakai baju yang playful dan warna-warni, sekarang dengan bertambahnya usia (hihi!) aku makin suka sama baju yang super simple dan nyaman dipakai. Kadang malah baju-baju aku tuh modelnya super basic, such as plain tees, shirts and jeans. Cara aku ngakalin style yang super simple adalah dengan memakai tas atau sepatu yang agak catchy untuk 'ngangkat' look aku.
Nah, outfit aku kali ini aku pakai kemeja putih polos dan jeans. Kemeja putih polos is a super basic fashion item kan, but it is a must have item. Kamu at least harus punya satu dan lebih bagus lagi kalau modelnya nggak 'biasa'. Kemeja aku ini modelnya asimetris, lebih pendek di bagian depan dan panjang di bagian belakang, jadi biarpun simple tetap ada variasinya. Untuk jeans kamu juga bisa pakai ripped jeans supaya kelihatan lebih trendy. 
Pemilihan tas dan sepatu sebetulnya sesuai salera masing-masing yaa, karena aku suka pakai outfit simple tapi ber-tema, aku kadang suka pakai tas dan sepatu dengan warna serasi atau yang sesuai dengan warna outfit aku saat itu. Kali ini, dengan kemeja putih dan jeans, aku suka pakai warna tas dan sepatu yang agak kelihatan warnanya, maroon, biarpun nggak ngejrengg tapi cukup pop-up buat outfit aku. 
Pemilihan model tas dan sepatu bisa disesuaikan sama selera masing-masing. Karena aku suka tas kecil, jadi aku suka banget sama tas maroonku ini, biarpun size mini tapi it holds a lot, cukup banget untuk bawa dompet, card holder, parfume kecil, lipsticks dan kunci mobil. Aku juga nggak punya super power untuk bisa pakai high heels dalam waktu yang lama, cuma kuat 2-3 jam, itu pun heels yang tingginya max 7cm, jadi aku lebih sering pakai flat shoes karena jauuh lebih nyaman dipakai. Flat shoes juga sekarang banyak banget modelnya, bagus-bagus sampai kadang pengen punya semuanya (marukk). Flat shoes yang aku pakai ini bahannya bludru atau velvet dengan hiasan 'bling' di bagian depannya. Bisa dipakai untuk style casual atau dipakai ke acara agak formal, tergantung gimana styling-nya.

" In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic. "
- Iman -

detail produk...

Kemeja - shop at velvet
Jeans - unbranded
Sepatu - Zara
Tas - Balenciaga
Jam - Michael Kors

Thank you for reading!
Have a good day!

xoxo adelle


current fave korean skincare

Hai semuanya!

Mulai sekarang aku akan posting blog dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia 'santai' (mungkin kadang di mix bahasa Inggris sedikit gak apa-apa yaa) supaya lebih enak dibaca. Nah, hari aku mau sharing tentang beberapa Korean skincare kesukaan aku. Ada 3 produk, yaitu essence, serum dan moisturiser. 

Yang pertama adalah essence. Aku pakai essence ini dua sampai tiga kali sehari setelah mandi atau cuci muka dan pakainya setelah pakai toner. Essence yang aku pakai adalah Galactomyces special treatment essence nya Manyo Factory. Aku suka banget sama packagingnya karena pakai pipet, jadi aku bisa takar berapa tetes produk yang mau aku pakai dan aku biasanya pakai 3-4 tetes untuk seluruh wajah dan leher. Cara pakainya, setelah di tetes ke telapak tangan (please make sure telapak tangannya bersih yaa), lalu diratakan ke seluruh wajah dan leher dan kemudian di tepuk-tepuk pelan. Texture nya watery banget, tapi begitu di apply di wajah terrassa banget oily feeling nya, untuk yang tipe kulitnya kering bakalan suka banget sama essence ini karena melembabkan kulit banget dan membuat kulit terlihat glowing dan sehat, untuk yang punya tipe kulit berminyak dan pakai produk ini juga, please feel free to share your experience and opinion about this product di kolom komen yaa. 

Beberapa hari pertama pakai essence ini di wajah aku muncul 2-3 jerawat kecil, tapi aku cuekin dan tetap pakai essence ini, setelah 2 minggu jerawat hilang dan acne scarnya cepet banget pudarnya. Essence ini punya efek brightening juga, jadi memang bener wajah jadi cerah setelah 3-4 minggu pakai produk ini. 

Korean skincare biasanya aromanya harum, tapi essence ini menurut aku nggak ada baunya sama sekali, jadi kalau kami sensitif terhadap bau kosmetik, dll produk ini aman kok. Selain itu, harga produk ini juga nggak mahal, malah menurut aku cenderung murah kalau dilihat dari sisi efek positif yang aku lihat di kulit wajah aku. Satu-satunya yang kurang aku suka dari produk ini adalah botol kemasannya dari kaca, jadi kurang travel friendly, jadi saat travelling aku masukan beberapa ml essence ini ke botol spray kecil. 

Yang kedua adalah serum. Menurut aku serum adalah skincare paling penting karena biasanya kandungan zat aktifnya paling banyak dibandingkan essence dan moisturiser. Jadi, kalau kamu agak males ribet dengan step skincare yang kebanyakan, setelah toner kamu bisa langsung ke serum tanpa harus pakai essence. Serum yang aku pakai adalah Red Serum dari Skin & Lab. Aku suka banget sama serum ini karena aromanya fresh banget (karena bahan dasarnya buah-buahan) dan nggak bikin pusing. Texture nya juga ringan dan gampang diserap sama kulit. Efek brightening nya bisa dilihat dalam 2 minggu dengan pemakaian teratur dua kali sehari, pagi dan malam. Cara pakainya sama seperti essence, karena packagingnya pakai pipet, aku pakai 3-4 tetes untuk wajah dan leher, nggak perlu di tepuk-tepuk karena serumnya cepat diserap sama kulit, cukup di tunggu beberapa detik aja setelah itu pakai moisturiser. 

Saat di apply ke wajah, nggak ada oily feeling seperti essence yang sebelumnya, cuma terasa agar licin aja tapi setelah beberapa detik setelah terserap oleh kulit rasanya lembab dan kulit wajah terlihat cerah dan sehat, jadi menurut aku cocok untuk jenis kulit kering dan oily. 
Sama seperti essence sebelumnya, satu-satunya problem adalah packaging bool kaca yang membuat serum ini juga kurang travel friendly, jadi aku juga harus pakai container lain untuk produk ini kalau sedang travelling.

Yang ketiga adalah moisturiser atau pelembab. Karena aku pakai Red Serum, jadi untuk moisturiser nya aku pakai Red Cream nya Skin & Lab, karena kedua produk ini akan bekerja maksimal kalau dipakai bersamaan. Kalau Red Serum bahan dasarnya adalah buah-buahan yang melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas, Red Cream ini bahan dasarmya bunga mawar yang umumnya berfungsi menghaluskan dan jelas melembabkan kulit wajah. Aroma nya pun nggak bikin using karena cream ini aroma mawarnya soft banget. 
Cara pakainya, ambil sejumlah produk secukupnya pakai spatula (karena lebih higienis) lalu dioleskan ke wajah dan leher sambil di massage sedikit di area kening dan pipi. Setelah pakai cream ini kulit terlihat cerah, sehat dan radiance. 

Untuk packaging, cream ini travel friendly karena nggak terbuat dari kaca, jadi kalo travelling bisa dan aman dibawa kemana-mana.

Tiga produk yang aku review di sini range harganya hampir sama, sekitar IDR 250-400K, tergantung kamu beli dimana, karena beda toko online pasti harganya juga berbeda. Just make sure olshop yang jual itu trusted dan menjual produk original yaa. 

Thank you for reading! 
If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or contact me via instagram.
Have a nice day!

xoxo adelle


back twist


It is Monday and yeayyy for a new blog post! So happy to be back to blogging world. Today, the ootd is about this super fun navy dress with back twist detail. I found this dress on instagram, it is an unbranded dress and you can easily find this dress in white, black, navy and also black and white color. I think the dress is quite versatile, you can dress up by wearing a pair of heels and to make it more casual you can wear sneakers. 
You can see that I replaced the original bag strap with a black and white bag strap. Why? Because it the original bag strap is too long for me, I am only 161cm. This bag is perfect for daily because even though it is in mini size but it holds a lot! Instantly become my fave bag since I got this bag.

product detail...

Navy dress - unbranded
Black and white bag strap - Starofraywin
Pandora mini bag - Givenchy
Watch - Daniel Wellington
Shoes - Converse

Thank you for reading!
Enjoy your Monday!

xoxo adele



hi lovelies!

OMG! Soooo happy that finally I can post another ootd on my blog! I think it's been a year since my last post??! This morning I woke up with a goal, that I need to start blogging again... I miss my blog. Seriously. I've been thinking about it for the last 3 weeks, so, here I am now, sitting in front of my laptop and writing this article. 

Today, the theme is in camel tone, I've been liking these kind of colour for the last few months now and of course, I like to pair this colour with black and navy. It is just a very simple outfit, plain black tee, black jeans, loose outerwear and sandal. Easy to try with your own fave fashion items, but if you like one or some of the items I wear, I will try to find links where you can get the products.

product details :
Loose outerwear - ATSthelabel
Plain black tee - Stradivarius
Black jeans - unbranded
Sandal - This is April
Watch - Michael Kors
Bag - Gucci

Thank you for reading!
Have a nice day!

xoxo adelle


Comfy #ootd with Sammydress

Hi lovelies!

Today I'll share one of my #ootd. It is just a simple and comfy daily look with jeans and loose tee. So easy to copy the look and in my opinion it is suitable for everyone. I found some lovely items from a website called Sammydress and Sammydress is a leading global online wholesale supplier of the latest in womens clothing, men and women's shoes, bags and accessories, casual dresses, accessories, fashion jewellery, and many more. Their commitment is to provide a wide range of high quality, trendy fashion clothing at stunning factory direct prices along with a class-leading customer service experience to their worldwide community of customers. 
Their website is available in multiple major languages to cater to their continually expanding international customer base. Sammydress is perfect for me (and you ^.^) because of their high quality products, fast delivery and dedicated professional service, all underpinned by the strength of their global outreach. They value their relationship with every one of their customers, so their professional customer service team is always available to help us. A dedicated 24 hour live chat service is available for all our inquiries to give us an instant response. Our satisfaction is and will always be their top priority. What a lovely place to shop. Right?! ^.^
Product details and where to get them:
Marble sunnies - Sammydress (currently sold out but I give you alternative link)
Black tee - Zara
Jeans - Sammydress
White sneakers - Sammydress
Watch - Michael Kors
Bag - Mulberry Alexa mini

Thank you for reading!
Have a good day!

xoxo adelle


Brow game with The BrowGal

Hi beauty lovers!

I am so happy that finally have a chance to post and share another new article! Today's topic is beauty related and yes, it's about new makeups! Excited! So, I believe that most of the girls around the world really concern about their brows appearance and I am one of them. That's why I am so happy that I got a chance to try some lovely brow products from the brand The BrowGal by Tonya Crooks. 
Please let me tell you a little bit about the brand. The BrowGal, offers premier eyebrow shaping and makeup tools that provide a VIP experience for every gal’s brows. Designed with innovation in every step by celebrity eyebrow and makeup artist Tonya Crooks, this distinctive line gives customers the chance to discover their natural brow shape and hone the look at home through customization and education. She believes that eyebrows are like snowflakes – beautiful, delicate and totally unique. Tonya’s individualized cosmetic approach and extensive background in fine arts led her to create a revolutionary technique for creating, correcting and shaping the best brows for each person’s unique facial structure with every item in her collection. Developed after more than a decade of testing and refinement, the superior quality and patented blend of key ingredients behind each thoughtfully designed product in The BrowGal arsenal makes them a must-have for any makeup bag. Each aspect of the line, from the specially sourced leads to sharpening-caps and water-resistant fillers, has been specifically formulated for beautiful eyebrows with every stroke for a look that is truly customized to your face. Customers will not only receive an item that is easy-to-use (and easy-to-love,) but also a complete understanding of optimal brow maintenance through exclusive access to beauty tutorials taught directly by Tonya and The BrowGal team.  

So, I have a chance to try some of their products, a brow pencil and I got mine in the shade medium brown, a clear brow gel and a dual ended highlighter pencil shade no.1.

The BrowGal
The BrowGal Skinny Eyebrow Pencils are comprised of six unique custom-blended shades to perfectly match a wide variety of hair colours and emulate the look of real hair. In fact, these versatile tones easily allow anyone to find the perfect match for their hair color. No more creamy product that goes on to thick and unnaturally, but instead blendable pencils to easily define and shape the brow. Built to last, the innovative pencils are early call-time, rock tour and movie set tested and are sweat and water resistant. 

buy this brow pencil from here

The BrowGal brow gel will hold the shape of your brow perfectly and with staying power. It works with pencils and powders to seal and protect kickass brows for everyone too cool to fuss and too busy to reapply. Feel free to go swimming, zumba and any other activities without the worry of your brows coming unhinged.

get this amazing brow gel from here

Double-duty made especially for brows, but insanely usable elsewhere too. The shimmer end accents your perfect BrowGal shape, while it also provides a gorgeous glowing highlight to all areas of the face. The matte end covers hair re-growth in between tweezing, accents brow shape and conceals facial imperfections anywhere. Both sides offer a soft, workable formula that spreads easily and doesn’t quit even when you feel like you need to. I really like this product, it is a must have!

feel free to get this highlighter from here

You can easily get these The BrowGal products at Sephora.co.id and get free delivery for minimum purchase above Rp. 200.000! 

Happy shopping and have a good day!

xoxo adelle


Summer time. Zaful time!

Hi everyone!

I know it's been awhile since I posted my last #ootd look on my blog. But today, I'll share not one but two summer looks. Yeay! I am so excited! I am living in a very hot and humid city in Indonesia, so I always make sure that I choose the most comfortable and suitable clothes every time I go out. So, few weeks ago, I was looking for some new clothes for the summer season and I end up got some new lovely pieces from a fashion site Zaful.com 

Zaful is a one-stop online shop for today’s most daring, exciting and edgy fashion apparel. Their affordable collections are all about redefining trends, design excellence and exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashion lovers. The original idea is to share the latest news and fashion trends on women’s clothing with fashion-forward, free-thinking girls, and they offer the fast fashion worldwide. Zaful was established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest in compelling designs for the fashionably hip along with providing exceptional value, quality, and superb customer service. They offer a select choice of clothing, shoes, accessories and more to deck out your wardrobe with style. Their exciting brands consist of emerging new designers and their discerning buyers have a keen eye for the best look anywhere so you can always find a style to call your own. Fashion is more than simply style: it also represents their aspirations, which is why their designs are as unique and individual as you... and me!
It is just a simple playsuit but the fabric is extremely comfortable and I really like the simplicity. I like the colour combination and the print.

Printed drawstring playsuit - Zaful
Black bag - Charles and Keith
Sunnies - Mango
Red shoes - Zara
Printed 3/4 sleeve kimono blouse - Zaful
Khaki sleeveless knit top - Zaful
Chic rhinestone bullet pendant necklace - Zaful
Black lace cami cross tube top - Zaful
Drew bag - Chloe
Black shorts and shoes - unbranded

So, yes, I am still wearing knitted top in the summer time, but it is sleeveless and I am wearing a lace bralette underneath so, not a problem! These products are lovely, comfy and high quality but they're surprisingly affordable. No need to spend too much money to look good and stylish when you shop at Zaful.

Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment.
Have a good day!

 xoxo adele