
Feel free to Pick My Style

Hi everyone!
I hope you guys have a great weekend!

Today I want to share with you about a new application called Pick My Style, an app that allows you to get that instant style feedback you need from other users. All made easy and exciting by posting and voting on the style feed. Seriously, the PICK THIS and KICK THIS buttons are addicting.

This app is fun and helpful at the same time. The world is your fashion advisor. Not sure which dress or shoes to wear tonight? Can't decide what to buy between Chloe Faye or Drew bag? (Haha!) The point is, when you in style doubt situation, post it and let Pick My Style app's users help you. Get unbiased straight forward results with real users helping other users give and get instant style feedback. It is that simple yet fun and exciting!

The application is available for Android and iOS users (yeah!) and when you have the app on your phone, you can post your style or #ootd, post your style inspirations, trend, fashion find, post two style you can't decide on, vote in the style feed and many more. 

I've been using the app for about a month now and I am enjoying become one of the users. I like to vote on other user's photos. So far, Pick My Style app is one of my most visit app on my phone. 

So, I posted my outfit wearing my loose and comfy cropped top and culotte 
and 57% of the users like it and the others don't. 
 Looks like my new watch has more vote than my outfit post. 
No one can say no to these beauties! 

So, the point is I really like the app. The team still working on some features and I am sure that the app will get better… which is great! Feel free to download the app (it is free!) from your App Store or Play Store… trust me, you won't regret it. Get the style inspiration you need and make better decisions with the Pick My Style app.

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to download the app ^.^
Have a nice day!

links :
Android | iOS

xoxo adelle


  1. Cute outfit and seems like a cool app!

    Insouciant Dame

    1. thank you! ^.^ feel free to download the app on your phone and see you on the style feed! can't wait to see your post!

      have a nice day!

  2. haloo..
    Kamu punya karya design yang keren2 tapi bingung dimana kamu bisa share di komunitas yang tepat??coba deh fasilitas portofolio kami di http://fitinline.com/portfolio . Gratis!

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  4. great post.

  5. Interesting app~! I've never heard of it before <33


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