Lately, I am seriously in love with some of today's fashion trends.
So, I will share with you about my personal obsessed.
1. Mirrored sunglasses
I have my own mirrored sunnies from Pull and Bear with doff white frame with orange mirror glasses.
I will make another post with me wearing the sunnies. I've been lookin' for this kind of sunnies since months ago but I just found my fave colour orange glasses at Pull and Bear, so I just bought it right away. No need to think twice!
2. Kenzo sweatshirt
Yes! I'm still obsessed with this one. I already got mine few weeks ago and I will took some pictures wearing my green tiger sweatshirt soon. Just wait for it!
3. Louis Vuitton checkered dresses
Some of you may like it and some of you don't, but I really like this checkered dresses. Really like the patterns and the bright colours. Well, I'll try to find an affordable dress with this kind of pattern in black and white. I'll share with you when I got the dress!
4. Wearing dress over pants/ jeans
Well, actually I have no idea what to say about this trend, is it a nay or yay, but I found it pretty challenging to rock this kind of look by wearing your dress over your pants or jeans. It's quite difficult but some people can pulled out this kind of look really well. I'll try to mix and match my dresses with my pants or jeans and if it's quite good, I'll share it with you. Wish me luck!
Acne |
5. Boy London
I'm quite a big fan of Boy London, but since it's quite difficult to get the good one here in Indonesia, so I don't have many Boy London clothes. Actually, I really want to have another black Boy London sweatshirt with it's logos all over the sweatshirt. I've been looking for this for months. So, please, Indonesian readers, if you have any information about where to buy this kind of Boy London sweatshirt in Indonesia, please, feel free to leave a comment here or email me about it.
Well, I think that's it for now.
Thank you for reading.
Have a good day.
See ya!
xoxo adelle